On April 24, 2024, a high-ranking delegation from the Kingdom of the Netherlands visited the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University. The delegation included the Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Eric Westreit, the Representative of Foreign Affairs for Central Asia in The Hague Mr. Aart Murray, Ambassador of the Netherlands Mr. Niko Schermers, Honorary Consul of the Netherlands Mr. Genghiz Kanapianov.
✅ The purpose of the visit was to learn about KazNARU's work with Dutch partners, on improving the cooperation of the Institute with the Waginengen University, developing effective cooperation between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Kazakhstan, and expanding the partnership in addressing global climate changes.
✅ During the meeting, the Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNARU Ahylbek Kurishbayev spoke in detail about current joint projects with Dutch partners and shared his opinion on the prospects for further development of bilateral relations.
“First, all our efforts will be directed towards ensuring the continued cooperation of KazNARU with Wageningen University, which is the #1 university in the QS world ranking in agricultural specialties and forest resources.” In 2020, based on the university's experience, we have approved two educational programs, "Veterinary Food Safety and Technology" and "Plant Science and Technology". This academic year, we are expecting the first group of our students graduating from these programs, which is very much in demand among our young people," Akhylbek Kazhygulovich noted.
✅ Secondly, the Kazakhstan-Dutch Center "Intensive Garden" with an area of 1.5 hectares has been operating on the basis of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University.
“The goal of the organization of this center is to create an pilot platform to demonstrate modern innovations in the field of sustainable fertility development, using new varieties and duplicates, efficient production systems and modern Dutch technologies. And here we count on your support," emphasized Akhylbek Kazhigulovich.
✅ Thirdly, at the beginning of 2023 KazNARU management signed a Memorandum of Intent with Wageningen Metropolitan food cluster to disseminate the leading Dutch experience in the integrated development of the agro-industrial complex through the Extention Centers program among our farmers, as well as to train Kazakhstan trainers in the practical use of innovative Dutch agrotechnologies. and. There has been great interest from Kazakh businessmen and practitioners in new Agrotechnologies from the Netherlands.
"We want to expand our cooperation with all Dutch partners and especially with Wageningen Research University to create a new educational program "Agrotechnology and horticulture" as well as work with the GREEN PACK consortium on sustainable development," said the Rector of the university.
✅ The Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Eric Westreit responded, who emphasized the interest of the Netherlands in developing partnership and cooperation with Kazakhstan. He also stressed that the Government of the Netherlands supports the expansion of cooperation and new projects with the Republic of Kazakhstan.
"The Government of the Netherlands and the public are closely monitoring the situation in the northern and western regions of Kazakhstan due to the flood problems that have occurred. Dutch scientists have gained vast experience in building a dam to regulate water flows from the sea during weather disasters. This experience allows water streams to be controlled to secure settlements. Our expert group has already arrived in Kazakhstan and started their work on evaluating the possibilities for forecasting floods and solving problems," Mr. Eric Westreit said.
✅ Spheres of mutual interest have been identified for the development of partnerships in the field of technology, research and innovation in order to exchange experience, academic activities, implementation of joint projects and development of new productions.
✅ In conclusion, the rector of the University A. Kurishbayev thanked the guests for their multilateral assistance and constructive interaction.
The meeting was attended by the Vice-Chancellor and scientists of KazNARU.
Press release of KazNARU.